Workplace Stress, A Leading Concern for Indian Companies

Workplace Stress, A Leading Concern for Indian Companies

As per the new report by Kronos Incorporated, India is the most overworked country in the world where workplace stress is the most common health concern to fight with by the corporates. The report shows that 69% of corporate employees in India are ready to work for five days a week even if they are allowed to work for fewer days.

According to another survey done recently on corporate professionals in India, 65% of working Indians would like to learn a new skill if they were allowed to work four days a week while 60% of Indian employees would prefer the extended working hours so they grow more in their profession.

Stress at work results in an unhealthy mind which causes poor productivity in employees. Another report by the World Health Organization (WHO) disclosed that workplace stress is costing nearly $1 trillion annually to the international economy.

Stress is forming to become a serious subject of concern in India that can lead to various health complications in employees. Stress is termed as a silent killer which is the leading cause of depression in the workplace and poor business performance. It needs to be addressed by the employers on a priority basis to save the entire ecosystem of the organization from being unhealthy and less productive.

Why are Indian Employees the Most Stressed?

  1. Workload: Employees often face high expectations to deliver results under tight deadlines and heavy workloads, leading to increased stress levels.
  2. Work Culture: India's competitive work environment, characterized by long working hours and a lack of emphasis on work-life balance, significantly contributes to stress among employees.
  3. Job Insecurity: Uncertainty about job stability, particularly in the face of economic fluctuations and market trends, creates anxiety and stress among employees.
  4. Commute: In metropolitan areas, employees often endure long and arduous commutes due to traffic congestion and inadequate public transportation, adding to their stress levels.
  5. Role Ambiguity: Unclear job roles and responsibilities can lead to confusion, frustration, and stress among employees, as they may not know what is expected of them or how to prioritize their tasks.

Impact of Workplace Stress

  • Mental Health: Prolonged exposure to workplace stress can have severe repercussions on mental health. Employees may experience heightened levels of anxiety, leading to chronic stress, depression, and even burnout. It can significantly impact their overall well-being and productivity at work.
  • Physical Health: The effects of stress on physical health are well-documented. Stress is known to contribute to the development of various physical health problems, including hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, and compromised immune function. The constant release of stress hormones can weaken the immune system, making individuals more susceptible to illnesses.
  • Productivity: High stress can impair cognitive function, making it difficult for employees to concentrate and perform their tasks effectively. Employees may find it difficult to focus on tasks, resulting in lower production. Additionally, stress can contribute to absenteeism, as employees may feel too overwhelmed to come to work, and presenteeism, where employees come to work but are not fully productive.
  • Relationships: Stress at work can spill over into personal relationships, affecting the overall well-being and quality of life of employees. The constant pressure and strain of workplace stress can make it challenging for individuals to maintain healthy relationships with their family and friends. It can further exacerbate feelings of isolation and loneliness, contributing to a cycle of stress and poor mental health.
  • Long-Term Effects: Prolonged exposure to workplace stress can have long-term effects on mental and physical health. Chronic stress has been linked to an increased risk of developing serious health conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. It can also contribute to the development of mental health disorders, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and substance abuse disorders.
Also Check: Stress at Work - Causes and Tips to Mange it

What Company Can Do To Manage Workplace Stress?

  1. Promote Work-Life Balance: Encourage employees to take breaks, use their vacation time, and avoid working long hours.
  2. Provide a Supportive Work Environment: Foster a culture where employees feel valued, respected, and supported by their managers and colleagues.
  3. Offer Flexible Work Arrangements: Allow employees to work from home, adjust their schedules, or take time off when needed.
  4. Provide Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs): Offer counseling, mental health resources, and support services to help employees manage stress.
  5. Encourage Physical Activity: Provide on-site fitness facilities or organize group activities like yoga or walking groups.
  6. Promote Healthy Eating: Offer nutritious food options in the cafeteria or provide healthy snacks to employees.
  7. Create Opportunities for Social Interaction: Organize team-building activities, and social events, or support employee-led groups or clubs.
  8. Encourage Open Communication: Provide channels for employees to express concerns, share ideas, and provide feedback.
  9. Recognize and Reward Employees: Recognize and acknowledge employees' hard work and accomplishments.
  10. Offer Training and Development: Provide opportunities for employees to learn new skills, advance their careers, and feel more confident in their roles.

To deal with stress smartly, Employees must consider practicing the following key skills:

  • Start saying No to excessive work which is not important so you can deliver the most essential work efficiently without any stress.
  • Try to be a learner of new technologies and trends to make yourself always open to opportunities. It will help to reduce the stress levels caused by job security.
  • Start involving in healthy politics to make smart moves in your job role. It will assist you in gaining authorized influence.
  • Learn to delegate tasks effectively to distribute workload evenly and prevent burnout. Delegating tasks lightens your load and fosters teamwork and skill development among colleagues.
  • Incorporate regular breaks into your workday to recharge and prevent fatigue. Taking short breaks between jobs might help you stay focused and productive.
  • Make time for activities you enjoy outside of work to foster a sense of fulfillment and relaxation. Engaging in hobbies, interests, or creative pursuits provides an outlet for stress and promotes work-life balance.


Workplace stress is a multifaceted issue that requires a holistic approach to management. By understanding the underlying causes of stress, recognizing its impact, and implementing effective coping strategies, individuals in India can navigate the challenges of the modern workplace with resilience and maintain a healthier work-life balance.

A few of the organizations in India have started to engage the families of employees in the workplace wellness programs understanding the value of a holistic approach of employee well-being to lower the stress levels and increase performance at work.