5 Tips To Help You Improve Wellness At Work

If employee wellness isn’t a priority for your organization, you may require to reevaluate. A healthy team is more productive, fulfilling, and has less employee turnover. So if in case, you’re looking out for ways to better your wellness initiative, here we’ve come up with 5 tips that can help you improve wellness at work.

1. Change The Options Of Your Vending Machine

If you require your workforce to be healthy, then the first and the foremost thing is that they eat healthily. But if your vending machines or kitchen down the hall are packed full of salty snacks and candies, then the employees are expected to fall into some bad eating habits. The solution to this – contact your vending machine company to know what healthy options are available with them and try to bring those into your office.

2. Organise Healthy Potluck

The traditional meetings in a meeting room or conference hall can also be added with a healthy twist. You can ask each attendee to bring in some healthy snack to share instead of simply relying on coffee and doughnuts alone.

3. Offer Incentives to Employees Who Walk Work Or Cycle To Work

Some employees might prefer to get a quick workout in during their commute. For those employees who live relatively nearby the office, you can encourage them to walk or cycle to work with the help of an incentive program for the walking/ cycling club.

4. Hold An Early Morning Stretch

Stretching is a great way to get in the right mindset and activate muscles for the day. So, make it a practice to gather your team in the morning before starting the workday for a quick stretching, meditation or yoga routine for the positive boost of energy throughout the day.

5. Provide Nutrition Related Information

Sometimes, supplying people with the right information is the best way to encourage them to get into action and make a change. You can put some brochures or posters around your office comprising of unique exercise methods or healthy eating tips so your employees can read and learn from them.