HR Strategies to Build a High-Performance Team in the Workplace











Teamwork is the collaboration of a group of individuals to complete a task or achieve a goal efficiently and effectively. A high performing team share goals, vision and challenge and support each other to achieve their targets. You know the team is in sync when they have explicitly stated goals and a powerful support system to progress towards that.

According to a study by the NHS, only 53% of the employees claimed that they worked in a well-structured team. Check complete study here.

A high-performing team demonstrates an astonishing work-life balance for all the teammates, exhibiting an amalgam of growth and fun. Research shows that inept team coordination leads to higher errors and mismanagement amongst the employees.

So, how do you rate your team on a scale of 1 to 10? In this article, we have listed some benchmarks and strategies that might help you to get your team’s best foot forward.

Trust is the cornerstone

Trust and transparency amongst the team members is the primary cornerstone for a positive relationship. Miscommunication and distrust stifle growth both on the behavioral and occupational level. Create a backdrop for healthy coordination by promoting a culture of trust and camaraderie amongst your team members for them to eventually support each other to achieve their common goals.

Law of appreciation

Lack of appreciation is a major cause for employees quitting from their jobs. As a team leader, you should know the particular skills of each of your team members and play on those strengths so that everyone can give out their best. Appreciating at the right time builds trust in the company’s work culture prompting people to showcase grace and acceptance when reprimanded. It brings a culture of responsibility and accountability for the employees.

Read Employee Appreciation: Importance and Tips.

Encourage social interactions

When you work as a team, most of the interactions are with those particular people assigned in your work zone. Building a friendly personal relationship works as a stepping stone towards a comfortable work relationship. Organizing team outings, periodically, will help them interact and build a mutual understanding and trust for them to work together, comfortably.

Motivate feedbacks

Encouraging feedback gives an employee the impression that their voices and opinion are valuable and appreciated. It gives birth to a culture of mutual respect, accountability, and trust. Feedback provides positive criticism and has a powerful link to employees’ productivity and satisfaction.

Encourage discipline and deadlines

While it’s essential to encourage fun to keep the team motivated and pepped up, it’s equally vital to instil accountability and discipline, too, to keep the employees productive and focused. Encourage pursuing deadlines and schedules for the long-term success and standing of the team. Plan a timeline highlighting important deadlines keeping everyone in the loop and on point going forward for successful project management.

Right communication, teamwork, and time management will serve as building blocks for successful team collaboration. Treat your employees as humans, celebrate their success, try constructive criticism for their failures to give them time and space to make their space and perform to the best of their abilities.

Every organization gets to choose its work culture, and that makes all the difference.