Instant v/s Healthy: Will You Choose What’s Right?

The Maggi noodle controversy serves as a reminder that our food choices deserve a closer look. We can no longer rely on the labels that claim "healthy" without question.

Nutrition experts have been sharing invaluable insights into our daily diet, and we should heed their advice.

Beware of Brown Bread Bluffs

In the past, we often thought that choosing brown bread meant opting for a healthier option. However, this isn't always the case. Some brown bread is essentially white bread disguised with a brown crust. Before adding a loaf to your cart, it's crucial to check the sugar content. Excessive sugar can transform what looks like a healthy choice into something just as unhealthy as plain white bread.

Watch Out for Preservatives

Food manufacturers frequently use preservatives to prolong the shelf life of their products. However, not all preservatives are created equal. Butyl hydroxytoluene is one such example and is often found in snacks like potato chips and certain candies. While it keeps the food fresh, it can have negative effects on our health. Therefore, reading food labels and understanding what goes into your meals is essential.

Emulsifiers: Poor For Digestion

Emulsifiers are added to foods like ice cream, biscuits, and some cheeses to enhance their texture and taste. Unfortunately, these additives can lead to stomach troubles and digestive problems. Being aware of what you consume and how it might impact your digestive system is key.

Sugar, Salt, and Excess Calories

While the Maggi controversy had us worried about lead and MSG, other ingredients in our food can be even more concerning. Sugar, salt, and excessive calories are common in processed and fast foods, such as burgers and frozen meals. To maintain good health, it's crucial to reduce our consumption of these items.

The Hunt for Truly Organic Foods

Glance at your monthly grocery list, and you might realize that finding entirely organic and natural options can be challenging. Many of the items we purchase have undergone some form of processing or alteration.

Tips for Reading Labels:

  1. Check the Serving Size: Pay attention to the serving size listed on the label. This will help you understand how the nutritional information relates to the amount you actually consume.
  2. Look at the Ingredient List: Ingredients are listed in descending order by weight. The first few ingredients make up the bulk of the product. Be wary of products with a long list of unrecognizable or unhealthy ingredients.
  3. Watch for Hidden Sugars: Sugar can go by many names, such as high fructose corn syrup, sucrose, or dextrose. Be on the lookout for these terms in the ingredient list.
  4. Mind the Sodium: High sodium levels can be harmful to your health. Choose products with lower sodium content, especially if you have hypertension or other health concerns.
  5. Keep an Eye on Healthy Fats: Look for products with unsaturated fats (like olive oil or avocado) rather than trans fats or saturated fats.
  6. Understand % Daily Value: The % Daily Value on the label helps you see how the nutrients in one serving fit into a daily diet. Aim for products with a higher % Daily Value for nutrients like fiber, vitamins, and minerals, and a lower % Daily Value for saturated fats and added sugars.

The Culprit: Our Fast-Paced Lifestyle

Our hectic lives play a significant role in our food choices. Choosing foods with a longer shelf life and going for quick and convenient meals is often a result of our busy schedules. This lifestyle can contribute to health issues like obesity, heart problems, and diabetes.

Time to Reevaluate Our Food Choices

The Maggi incident serves as a reminder that it's high time to reconsider our food choices. It's not just about lead and MSG; it's also about scrutinizing sugar, salt, and calorie content. To promote better health, we need to cut back on processed and unhealthy food items and opt for more natural and balanced alternatives. This is an opportunity for us to make improved food choices and prioritize our health and well-being.

Examples to Consider:

Many packaged foods can be misleading in their claims and may not be as good for your health as they seem. Here are some examples of such packaged foods in India:

  1. Instant Soups: While instant soups claim to be a nutritious choice, they can be high in salt and artificial additives. Preparing homemade soups with fresh ingredients is a healthier alternative.
  2. Packaged Snacks: Chips, namkeen, and other packaged snacks are usually deep-fried and loaded with salt and trans fats. These snacks are best reserved for occasional indulgence and not for regular consumption.
  3. Processed Ready-to-Eat Meals: Packaged ready-to-eat meals can be convenient, but they often contain preservatives and high levels of sodium to extend their shelf life. Preparing fresh and balanced meals is a better choice for long-term health.
  4. Instant Mixes (e.g., Gulab Jamun Mix): While these make it easy to prepare traditional Indian sweets and snacks at home, they often contain excessive sugar and unhealthy fats. Enjoying such treats on special occasions is advisable.
  5. Flavored Rice and Pulao Mixes: These may seem like a convenient way to prepare meals, but they can contain artificial flavoring and excess salt. Cooking rice and pulao from scratch with natural ingredients is a healthier option.
  6. Ready-Made Sauces and Gravies: These products can be high in sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats. Making your own sauces and gravies with fresh ingredients is a better choice for controlling the quality of your meals.
  7. Sweetened Beverages: Packaged fruit juices, iced teas, and colas often contain added sugars and artificial flavors. It's best to choose fresh fruit juices or unsweetened beverages.
  8. Packaged Atta (Flour): Some packaged flours may not be as whole and natural as they claim. It's essential to check the labels for genuine whole wheat flour and minimal processing.
  9. Instant Upma and Poha Mixes: These products may contain artificial flavors and preservatives. Preparing upma and poha from basic ingredients ensures a healthier meal.
  10. Misleading Fruit Yogurts: Many fruit-flavored yogurts claim to be healthy, but they often contain high amounts of added sugar. Reading the nutrition label can help you make a wiser choice.
  11. Sneaky Soft Drinks: Some beverages marketed as "diet" or "zero-calorie" may not contain sugar but are loaded with artificial sweeteners, which can have their own health implications.
  12. Processed Meat Pitfalls: Processed meats like sausages and hot dogs may seem convenient, but they often contain excessive sodium, preservatives, and unhealthy fats.
  13. Instant Oatmeal Concerns: Pre-packaged instant oatmeal may appear like a wholesome breakfast choice, but many varieties include added sugars and artificial flavors.
  14. The Fast Food Trap: Fast-food meals are notorious for their high levels of unhealthy fats, salt, and calories, contributing to health problems when consumed regularly.

Remember, by being more aware of what's on your plate and making informed choices, you can take a significant step toward a healthier lifestyle.