Employee Appreciation: Importance And Tips

“If you don’t create a great, rewarding place for people to work, they won’t do great work.” – Ari Weinzweig, co-founder of Zingermans Deli

Everyone needs appreciation and recognition; be it at home or their place of work. It’s one of the human needs as demonstrated in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. According to research, one of the principal reasons for employees quitting their jobs is ‘lack of appreciation.

Imagine doing something for weeks, but nobody pays heed to it, would you feel like continuing? Or is it going to turn into a meaningless experience for you?

That’s what happens in a business when the work culture doesn’t support a culture of recognition, appreciation, and acknowledgment.

A positive remark, a brief nod of acknowledgment, a warm smile, all this might sound trivial to do, but these little things hold immense power in transforming a work culture into an accommodating one.

When you care for your employees, they care for your business in return; it’s a simple relationship of similar exchange.

According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs; social inclusion, recognition, and acknowledgment are some of the rungs that form the ladder, proving how important it is for us to recognize each other as a human, in all facets of our life.

Why appreciation is important?

Boosts the company’s culture

“If you do not treat people with the respect they deserve, do not expect any kind of commitment to your productivity goals and target.” – Ian Fuhr, founder, and CEO of the Sorbet group

Positive recognition helps in building a business culture inclusive and just for all. Disrespected employees do not tend to work with engagement for evident reasons. A satisfied workforce and a positive work culture work as a secret recipe for a successful business.

It triggers innovation

“Take time to appreciate employees and they will reciprocate in a thousand ways.” – Dr Bob Nelson, best-selling author, and motivational speaker

Not much is needed to understand that happy employees tend to work better with greater focus and dedication; Recognition and appreciation boost confidence, prompting people to work with added zeal and focus.

Boosts morale

“I have always believed that the way you treat your employees is the way they will treat your customers and that people flourish when they are praised.” – Sir Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group

When management starts acknowledging employees for their efforts and makes them feel that they matter for the growth of the company; it boosts their confidence, and consequently their decision-making abilities. Appreciation is a crucial step in building the confidence of employees.

Lowers turnover rate for employees

“Motivating employees to work at their full potential is the main premise of successful management.”

– Eraldo Banovac, Croatian author and professor

It takes a lot of time and effort to recruit people and train them, and contrary to popular belief; it’s not money always that drives people to quit their jobs, Lack of appreciation has been cited as one of the principal reasons for employees quitting. Making your workforce feel that they all are meaningful contributions in their distinct ways is imperative for successful business growth.

Enumerated below are some of the tips on how you can create a positive gesture towards your employees.

Tips on Employee Appreciation

Respect and nurture their individuality

Every person is different, and so are their abilities and weaknesses. As a team leader, it’s your responsibility to know the strengths and weaknesses of your team and work accordingly for maximum output. You can conduct small surveys to understand the needs, preferences, abilities, etc. of your team to help them perform to the best of their abilities.

Implementing a corporate wellness program can help address their individual well-being.

Encourage feedbacks

Feedback is a great way to let people know that their opinions are valuable. You can draft small questionnaires with open-ended questions about the workplace like what they like or dislike about the workplace or things they would want to be changed. Keeping the process anonymous would help in letting them answer with transparency. When employees know that the management cares, it instills in them, a feeling of added responsibility towards their workplace.

Utilize anonymous questionnaires to ensure transparency and encourage honest responses. Incorporating an employee assistance program (EAP) can provide a platform for employees to share their thoughts and concerns confidentially.

Related Article: Tips for HR to create employee centric workplace

Praise them when needed

Praise the work done right to lead them in the expected directions. Praising feels sincere when details are taken into account and not just a simple remark of “good job.” Identify what was commendable and articulate it to them for sharper communications and future growth.

Little rewards

Everything contributes to a positive work culture; be it gestures like, a mild nod, a warm greeting, an occasional thank you, or more evident things like financial incentives. Let them know that they are critical components in the organizational structure. You can also think of some non-monetary ways to reward your employees.

Make it a little fun for them

Fun activities like potlucks, ice-breaking activities, secret Santa’s, collaborations among unrelated teams, etc., go a long way in making associations and social interactions among the employees of the company. It works as a great morale booster and helps employees feel that they are working with people and not mere faces.

Including elements of corporate wellness in these activities can further enhance employee engagement and overall well-being.

Personalization whenever possible

Employees spend most of their day at their place of work. So rendering them a sense of belonging to their workplace will work wonders for them. You can keep a calendar of your employees’ special days in the organization. A personalized gift or even a simple card will help them appreciate their space in the workplace.

Let them grow

Everyone seeks growth as a human, in all aspects of their lives. Helping your employee grow as an individual and in their career will turn out to be the ultimate contribution you can make in their lives. Give a chance to your employees to represent the organization at associational meetings or philanthropic events and not keep it confined to the higher rungs of the management. You will be surprised to find out the diverse talent, distinct interests, and sense of gratitude and accountability among your employees.

Your employees are the greatest assets to your company. When you invest in them, they invest in your company in return.


By implementing these tips, you can create a work environment that values employee wellness and promotes a positive work culture. Truworth Wellness offers corporate wellness programs, employee assistance programs (EAP), and other services to support your organization in making your workforce truly a part of your organization.