Humor at Workplace: Why HR should Take Notice

Where everyone's focused on getting things done, we often overlook the importance of humor. But it's more than just jokes and funny stories—it can make a big difference in how happy and engaged employees are.

The health of a workplace plays a crucial role in shaping team morale and motivation. Among the various factors that contribute to a healthy workplace, humor stands out as a powerful tool. It can bring teams together, alleviate tension, and provide a fresh perspective on challenges. Understanding the benefits of integrating humor into the workplace can empower you to create a more positive and engaging environment for your team.

So, apart from making you look good, what effect does laughter have on your body?

Benefits of Humor in the Workplace

Endorphins are the body's natural feel-good hormones, and laughter causes them to be released. These hormones in turn contribute to a temporary reduction in pain and the enhancement of general well-being.

  1. Improved Morale: Humor can create a positive work environment where employees feel happier and more engaged. It can lead to higher morale and a more enjoyable workplace for everyone.
  2. Stress Reduction: Laughter is a natural stress reliever. When employees can laugh and joke with their colleagues, it can help reduce stress and tension, leading to a more relaxed and productive work environment.
  3. Enhanced Creativity: Humor can stimulate creativity by encouraging employees to think in new and unconventional ways. A playful attitude can lead to innovative ideas and solutions to workplace challenges.
  4. Stronger Team Dynamics: Shared laughter can help build strong bonds among team members. When employees share a sense of humor, they are more likely to collaborate effectively and support one another.
  5. Improved Communication: Humor can break down barriers and improve communication between colleagues. A well-timed joke can help diffuse tense situations and encourage open and honest dialogue.
  6. Increased Productivity: A positive and fun work environment can boost productivity. When employees are happy and engaged, they are more likely to be motivated to work hard and achieve their goals.
  7. Better Employee Health: Laughter has various health benefits, including boosting the immune system and lowering blood pressure. A workplace that encourages humor can contribute to better overall health and well-being for employees.

Tips for HR Professionals

So, how can HR professionals harness the power of humor in the workplace? Here are a few tips:

  1. Lead by Example: HR professionals should demonstrate a healthy sense of humor in their interactions and communications. It inspires others to follow suit and sets a positive tone.
  2. Encourage Playfulness: Encourage managers to incorporate humor into their leadership style. It could include using humor to lighten the mood during stressful times or encouraging playful team-building activities.
  3. Use Humor Strategically: Humor should be used to enhance the work environment, not detract from it. Encourage employees to use humor to build rapport and strengthen relationships, but also remind them to be mindful of when and where it is appropriate.
  4. Foster a Positive Culture: A culture that embraces humor is often more positive and productive. HR professionals can help foster this culture by recognizing and rewarding humor in the workplace.
  5. Provide Training: Consider offering training or workshops on using humor in the workplace. It can help employees understand the benefits of humor and learn how to use it effectively.
  6. Use Humor to Address Conflict: Humor can be a powerful tool for addressing conflict and diffusing tense situations. Encourage employees to use humor to find common ground and resolve differences.
  7. Be Inclusive: Humor should never be at the expense of others. HR professionals should ensure that humor is inclusive and respectful of all employees, regardless of background or identity.
  8. Monitor and Adjust: Pay attention to how humor is being received in the workplace. If certain jokes or types of humor are causing discomfort or offense, address the issue and make adjustments as needed.
  9. Encourage Self-Deprecating Humor: Self-deprecating humor can be a great way to lighten the mood and show humility. Encourage employees to use this type of humor in a lighthearted way and not overly critical.
  10. Celebrate Humor: Finally, celebrate humor in the workplace. Recognize employees who use humor effectively and create opportunities for employees to share funny stories or jokes.

Things Employees Can Do

  • Self-Deprecating Humor: Keep it light by poking fun at yourself, but avoid being overly critical.
  • Fun Presentations: Add humor with jokes, anecdotes, or visuals to make your presentations more engaging.
  • Team Camaraderie: Use humor to bond with your team, sharing jokes or funny stories to build relationships.
  • Break the Ice: Use humor to ease tension in new or tense situations, helping everyone feel more comfortable.
  • Be Mindful: Avoid offensive or hurtful jokes, and respect others' sensitivities and boundaries.
  • Adapt to Your Audience: Tailor your humor to your audience, considering what will be funny and appropriate for them.
  • Stress Relief: Use humor as a coping mechanism for stress, finding the lighter side of challenging situations.
  • Laugh Together: Share laughter with your colleagues to strengthen relationships and boost morale.
  • Stay Positive: Use humor to maintain a positive outlook, even in challenging times.
  • Be Yourself: Use humor that feels authentic to you, as genuine humor builds connections.

Did you know?

  • According to a study from HBR, Employees who laugh at comedy clips are 10% more productive than employees who don’t.
  • In another study from the mental floss, people who make jokes were considered more competent, confident, and higher in status.
  • According to a study by MIT, using funny warm-up exercises increased the creative output of a group of product designers by more than 1/3.
  • Market Watch researched that companies have started hiring humor coaches to relieve stress at work. Emotions, be they negative or positive, have a profound effect on the economic growth of the company.


Humor is a powerful tool that can have a profound impact on workplace culture, employee engagement, and productivity. HR departments should recognize the importance of humor and actively work to foster a workplace where laughter is encouraged, connections are strengthened, and creativity flourishes. By embracing humor, HR can create a positive work environment where employees feel valued, motivated, and empowered to do their best work.