5 Substantial Initiatives For Workplace Wellness

Wellness initiatives are not just about keeping the employees healthy. The most successful wellness initiatives in the workplace feature a little something for everyone — thereby attracting all types of employees.

Employees are more likely to take part in wellness initiatives in the workplace when the programming features a variety of activities. If your organisation is considering initiating a wellness program, take a look these 5 substantial initiatives for workplace wellness.

1. Health Education

Education is perhaps one of the most significant wellness initiatives in the workplace. Whether it is a lunchtime class or afternoon workshop, it’s important to teach employees about the relationships between diet and disease, evidence-based health outcomes achievable through healthy nutrition, food label reading, portion control and identifying healthy choices, to name a few.

2. Specialized Programming

This wellness initiative targets a certain demographic within the workplace, such as those who smoke or others who may be considered obese. Providing specialized programming along with other activities is the strategy that shows your employees that everyone’s health and wellness is equally important.

3. Health Screenings

Bringing a health care professional into the workplace can be a good initiative because it adds another level of legitimacy to the overall wellness program. On-site health clinics are also effective because it allows employees to schedule office visits for health tests and screenings without having to take time off from work.

4. Encourage Physical Exercise

There are many ways an employer can turn the office into an active workplace, for example, encouraging employees to walk for work or motivating employees to participate in yoga sessions at work . And about those employees who aren’t quite ready to make physical exercise a daily routine, offering simple wellness activities like walking clubs or other incentives can be beneficial.

5. Consult A Registered Dietitian

A registered dietitian can help employees convert nutrition knowledge into behavior change. The best way to accomplish this behavior change is by using a food tracking tool. It also acts as a means for the dietitian to provide individual feedback to the employee and guide them in making healthier choices.