Shifting Gears: 5 Tips to Help You Lose Weight at Work

After almost everything we know about exercising and eating healthy, obesity rates of are still rising at their all-time peak. Obesity is a gateway to several debilitating diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, depression, cancer, and much more.

Despite all these severe consequences, the reason people cannot stick to a diet plan is that they tend to give it easily in their workplace environment.

Most of the workers get trapped at their desks for almost nine hours a day; they tend to stick to their seats except for taking a quick lunch or an occasional break. It is an undeniable fact that “employees who sit more weigh more”. It is very important that you walk and do a little exercise to keep yourself fit, as the longer you sit at your desk, the greater your chance of being obese or overweight.

Obesity leads to several problems such as increased insurance costs, increased absenteeism, decreased employee retention, lower profits, and much more. Obesity also hurts self-esteem and directly affects the performance of the worker. Despite the money you make, you just can’t perform your best if you’re not taking proper care of your health.

Here we have come up with 5 effective ways to help you lose weight at work, without investing much time and effort.

1. Eat a Healthy Breakfast

“Eat healthy to stay healthy”, all the individuals who eat a healthy breakfast perform better on tests, encompass better energy and concentration, and are less probable to overeat during the entire day. Eating a healthy breakfast in the morning not only keeps your body energized but also gets your blood pumping. A lot of people try to lose weight by skipping breakfast, but that’s a wrong habit and it does not good.

2. Limit Your Coffee Intake

Coffee isn’t really responsible for weight gain but it is not healthy to drink a lot of it every morning. Coffee contains caffeine in large quantities that brings you up once but then drops you down the more you drink. It stimulates your craving for food and reduces metabolism. If you’re looking for better weight loss results, then it’s recommended to switch to green tea. As it not only speeds up the metabolism but keeps you on a natural high without letting you down like coffee.

3. Build Healthy Snacking Habits

Eat healthy!! Keep yourself feeling full and satisfied the entire day with smaller and healthier meals, this will help you lose weight at work. Yogurt, berries, protein snack bars, cut-up fruit, melon, raisins, or a mix of some crunchy vegetables are some good snacks that you can consume the entire day to feel full and healthy. Stay away from vending machines that contain unhealthy and sugary snacks and drinks. These types of snacks will make you feel good for some time, till there is a sugar buzz just like coffee but after that whammo! You’ll be ready for a nap.

Tips For Healthy Snacking At Work

4. Stand-Up And Move

Despite the amount of work you have, it is important for you to take a break every few hours, walk a bit, and stretch. Get up from your seat and walk for around 10 minutes at least every two-three hours. Go outside and enjoy some fresh air. Do some desk exercise and walk up and down stairs. This additional exercise will help you in working more efficiently as it clears your mind and gives you a boost of energy.

Workplace Fitness Challenges For Effective Wellness Strategy

5. Keep Yourself Hydrated

Keep yourself hydrated, and drink a lot of water as the water takes the edge off your appetite and is necessary for losing weight. Drink water at room temperature, neither too warm nor too cold. More often people confuse thirst with hunger and start to consume calories. Keep a check on it, next time you are feeling really hungry, you might just be dehydrated. Nowadays, water is available in a variety of flavors and is packed with extra vitamins to give you a boost of energy.

Additional Tips

  1. Plan and Pack Your Lunch: Bringing your lunch to work allows you to have better control over your food choices. Preparing your meals at home ensures that you're consuming nutritious, balanced options, and it can save you money too. Avoid fast-food options that are often high in unhealthy fats, salt, and calories.
  2. Practice Portion Control: Be mindful of your portion sizes, especially when eating out or snacking at your desk. Using smaller plates and containers can help you manage your portion sizes and prevent overeating.
  3. Use Active Transportation: If possible, consider using active transportation methods for your commute, such as walking, biking, or taking public transportation. This way, you can incorporate more physical activity into your daily routine.
  4. Utilize Workplace Wellness Programs: Check if your workplace offers any wellness programs or initiatives. Many companies have started implementing wellness programs that promote physical activity, healthy eating, and stress reduction.
  5. Engage in Desk Exercises: Incorporate simple exercises into your work routine to keep your body active even while sitting. Stretching, leg raises, and shoulder rolls can help reduce stiffness and promote blood circulation.
  6. Encourage Physical Activity Among Colleagues: Organize walking meetings or group exercise sessions during breaks to encourage physical activity among your colleagues. Having a support system at work can help you stay motivated to make healthier choices.
  7. Take the Stairs: Opt for the stairs instead of the elevator whenever possible. Climbing stairs is an effective way to burn calories and improve cardiovascular health.
  8. Practice Mindful Eating: Avoid eating while working or multitasking. Take the time to enjoy your meals without distractions, as it helps you recognize when you're full and prevents overeating.
  9. Find Opportunities to Move: Look for opportunities to move throughout your workday. Instead of sending emails, consider walking over to your coworker's desk for a conversation. Take short walks during breaks, and use the restroom on a different floor if possible.
  10. Get Enough Sleep: Prioritize sleep and try to establish a consistent sleep schedule. Lack of sleep can lead to weight gain by affecting hunger hormones and increasing cravings for unhealthy foods.
  11. Seek Professional Help if Needed: If you find it challenging to lose weight on your own, consider seeking help from a registered dietitian, nutritionist, or fitness expert. They can provide personalized guidance and support based on your individual needs and goals.

Remember, maintaining a healthy lifestyle requires consistency and commitment. Small changes in your daily routine can add up to significant improvements in your overall health and well-being. Make sure to consult with a healthcare professional before making any significant changes to your diet or exercise routine, especially if you have any pre-existing health conditions.