4 Workplace Wellness Statistics Every Employer Should Know

Organizations offer numerous benefits to their workforce including essential amenities like pensions, retirement plans, maternity leaves, etc., to attract talent and retain it. One of the perks that have gained a lot of traction in recent years is corporate wellness programs. Every company needs to have a productive workforce to stay afloat and thrive, and that’s where the wellness program steps in. According to research, companies that provide wellness programs are a lot more likely to attract recruits, and employees tend to refer these companies more.

Wellness programs come with tremendous benefits like, a decreased healthcare cost for the company,  enhanced productivity, reduced absenteeism, presentism, and employee turnover, etc. and there are plenty of statistics that justify the importance.

Some of which are:

1. Corporate Wellness Programs Induce a Behavioral Shift towards a Healthy Lifestyle

The most significant aspect of any wellness program is to drive a behavioral shift as it the inclination towards making a positive change that sustains the entire process. According to various studies, Wellness programs trigger a shift in the health behavior of the employees like they start eating healthier food, eat smaller portions, exercise regularly, rest well, and can work better towards risk factors such as smoking, etc.

2. Corporate Wellness Programs Abate Elevated Health Risks

Wellness programs offer a comprehensive development for the employees constituting physical, emotional, financial, and mental health. Low health risks signify sound health, and every wellness program targets that to tackle healthcare costs and the general wellbeing of the employees. According to research by The New England Journal of Medicine, every 1% drop in cholesterol levels leads to a reduced probability of heart attack by 2 to 3%. Also, a point reduction in the rate of elevated diastolic blood pressure leads to another 2 to 3% drop in heart disease risk. According to a study, members were likely to reduce 5 out of 7 health risks upon completion of a wellness coaching program, compared to people who did not, with participation increasing the chances manifold.

3. Corporate Wellness Programs Improve Productivity, Lowering Presentism and Absenteeism

According to research, every dollar spent on healthcare through wellness programs reduces the cost associated with absenteeism by $2.73. Employees who are healthy following healthy lifestyle choices naturally have lower rates of absenteeism.

Companies suffer a lot owing to presentism, absenteeism, and employee turnover, reducing their overall productivity. According to studies, the cost associated with presentism due to poor health is at least 2 to 3 times higher than direct health care expenses. According to another research by the journal Population Health Management, smokers were 28% more likely to have presentism than non-smokers, unhealthy diet followers were 66% more likely, and people who didn’t exercise were 50% more likely than people who did. The study demonstrates the effects of unhealthy lifestyle choices on the productivity of the employees.

4. Corporate Wellness Programs Diminish Healthcare Costs for the Company

According to various researches from Health Affairs and WellSteps, healthcare costs diminish by about $3.27 for every dollar spent on the health and wellbeing of employees. There has been ample evidence to prove that factors like stress, obesity, multiple health risks are correlated with health-related absenteeism, and increased health care costs. Investing in employees’ healthcare by wider adoption of wellness programs can trigger a shift towards budget management, productivity, and profitability for the company.

There are numerous reasons why employees show decreased productivity at work. They may not understand how to use certain equipment, they might be tired or distracted by fellow employees. Yet, poor health remains one of the major causes of presenteeism at work.