Facts on Employee Assistance Program

Facts on Employee Assistance Program

Facts on EAP

The Positive Impacts Employee Assistance Program (EAP) can Have on your Business

  • Return on investment (ROI) – the right employee assistance program can generate significant returns for the employers. According to a study, each dollar spent reaped an ROI of $3.
  • Worker’s compensation cost – EAP can help lower worker’s compensation cost considerably.
  • Employee turnover – Employee benefits schemes render a sense of value and belonging to the employees. Thus, EAP helps in reducing employee turnover and the cost-to-hire for the companies, assisting in budget regulation.
  • Health claims by employees – EAP reduces health insurance and medical health claims by the employees.
  • Morale- It boosts the confidence of employees, reduces absenteeism, presentism, and enhances their productivity.

You must read about EAP and its Benefits.

How Often Should It Be Conducted?

It is recommended to conduct a full spell at least once a year involving all potential participants.

What an EAP should offer?

  • Round-the-clock, crisis helpline.
  • Needs assessment and counselling services, as required.
  • Referrals, tracking, and follow-ups.
  • Inclusion of dependents.
  • Confidentiality
  • Emergency intervention and expertise in the required domains.

Do You Have To Pay For An EAP?

No. Your employer pays for it.

Things to look for when hiring an EAP provider

  • Experience of the professional.
  • Location of the provider.
  • Services provided by the professional and the range of it included in the program.
  • Mode of engagement with the employees.
  • Operational structure regarding referrals, tracking, and follow-ups.
  • The cost structure.
  • Guarantee of Confidentiality.
  • Regular updates regarding the effective implementation of the program.

What Does An EAP Professional Do?

The counsellor provides assessments, referrals, counselling for employees, and their families.

Components that must be incorporated to make your program successful

  • Incorporate self-care programs, meant to gear employees towards wiser choices when it came to their well-being.
  • Keep them motivated by rewarding for behavioral shifts towards a healthy lifestyle.
  • Have active evaluation systems, in place, to know about the effectiveness of the program.
  • Include the employee’s family in the program too. According to a study, dependents account for more than 50% of health care costs, much more than an employee’s share, yet, there isn’t adequate participation for them in these employee benefit schemes.
  • Timely availability of required self-help supplies.
  • Preventive health checkups for early intervention and treatment of diseases.
  • Regular updates must be provided to the company through communication measures like newsletters, notices, posters, mailers, etc., to inform them about the current status of their company, especially incorporates with multiple offices.
  • Needs assessments that acquaint employers with the current primary health risks or behavioral patterns of their company that can impact the overall productivity. It gives insight to employers regarding the most pressing issues of their organization, and they can set off for the required course correction.

Is It Confidential?

Yes. EAP counsellors are required to maintain secrecy, no information related to the individual, is shared with the employer.

Does It Protect Your Job?

It is an effort by the employer to seek redressal without endangering an employees’ job.

Truworth Wellness is committed towards a work culture, inclusive and coherent in its approach. We believe in a work practice that brings the best out of your employees in their utmost comfort. Help us in making a workforce as exuberant as it can be, for your company.