Keeping Workplace Wellness Simple: 2018

Simple Workplace Wellness

With the growing trend of workplace wellness in India, more and more employers are trying to embrace employee wellness programs for the betterment of their employees and organization. This year, more workplace wellness programs are turning towards  “less is more” approach. One possible reason for this shift is that employers are not seeing the participation levels they want in their wellness programs, the reason behind the “complication of the wellness program”. Employees desire uncomplicated, simple wellness objectives and tasks – most likely due to the reason that they already have more than enough on their plates. And stressing out employees by asking them to finish a complicated task is the last thing employers want to do to already stressed out employees.

Workplace wellness programs can further be simplified by keeping the focus on five key constituents that contribute to a successful employee wellness program: communication, accessibility, health assessments, health education, and screenings.

2018 is the year of simple, uncomplicated yet effective workplace wellness. Therefore by keeping workplace wellness simple, employers can expect greater participation rates and less uncertainty surrounding wellness initiatives.