Tips To Lead A Happier and Healthier Workforce

We cannot define employee wellness as a simple or a one-step process; it is quite complicated as of all the factors that aligned with health and wellness. While offering fresh fruit replacing unhealthy donuts for a morning meeting is a step towards the correct direction, it doesn’t even start to scratch the ground of employee wellness. Wellness programs call for consideration of the full continuum of emotional, mental, as well as physical elements of an employee to further enhance corporate wellness initiatives.

Supporting employee’s holistic well-being takes into account the varied wellness needs of employees, rather than focusing on just the physical aspect of well-being. It’s very important for employers to recognize that all aspects of wellness are related and influenced by one another. For example, an employee who works out regularly and takes healthy meals might still be under-performing at work because of high workplace stress — despite exercising and eating well.

For enhancing the overall quality of life, happiness, engagement, work performance and job satisfaction, it is very necessary to combine all aspects of well-being. Consider the following to help, support and encourage a holistically enriching life for your employees:

Promote Work-Life Balance

Majority employees try hard for the best possible work-life balance, but it’s not always possible owing to tight schedules & family concerns. Helping employees attain a reasonable level of work-life balance will not only keep employees happier and productive but will also reduce employee turnover. Balanced employees have stronger relationships with employers as they feel their personal lives equally valued. Employers can expect a higher level of motivation and loyalty from the employees who have a positive work-life balance.

Perhaps one of the simplest ways of increasing work-life balance is by building a workplace that supports flexibility. Employers can offer flexible working hours as well as the ability to work from home when required.

Offer Social Engagement Opportunities

The relationship among employees can either have a negative or positive impact on one’s emotional, mental as well as social well-being. Since employees spend more than 40 hours a week together, it’s very important that some sense of harmony and camaraderie exists in the workplace. Employees should get an opportunity as well as encouraged to get to know their colleagues on a personal level rather than just being work-mates. Helping employees understand and bond with one another on a deeper level will help promote empathy, trust, and respect among the workforce.

To enhance employee interaction and bonding on a greater and a deeper level, employers must provide them with opportunities for social engagement. For example, once on a week eating healthy breakfast together as a team, sharing drinks with one another during happy hours once a month or going on an outing to play a round of mini-golf can definitely help break the ice.

Take in hand-Workplace Stress

Although stress at the workplace is quite common, it doesn’t mean to be acceptable. Higher stress levels in the workplace can weaken constructive teamwork opportunities, shrink productivity, and negatively impact the mental and physical health of employees. Workplace Stress often tends to severe health issues such as insomnia, hypertension, heart problems, and substance abuse. Employers must take steps to determine stress levels among employees and spot the common stressors at the workplace. Learn more about the relation between heart disease & stress.

Several signs of overly stressed employees may include negativity, an increased amount of PTO be taken off, moodiness as well as an overall decline of the morale of employees. If any of these red flags exist, try to send an anonymous employee survey to estimate levels of stress and communicate with your employees regarding the existing stressful situations they’re facing. Rethink and evaluate all the meetings, workloads and deadlines that are contributing to high levels of stress. Also, be proactive in implementing some de-stressing activities at work like yoga or meditation or a lunch and learn session about managing stress effectively.