Why Should You Incorporate Emotional Intelligence In The Workplace?

Why Should You Incorporate Emotional Intelligence In The Workplace?

Success isn’t just about IQ or technical skills. It's about how well we understand and manage our emotions and those of others. Emotional intelligence (EI) is the secret sauce that separates thriving professionals from those who merely survive. Whether you’re navigating the corporate jungle or striving for personal growth, honing your EI skills is essential.

Understanding Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize, understand, and manage our own emotions, as well as those of others.

Here are some facts about emotional intelligence (EI) that might surprise you:

  1. It's Not Just One Thing: Emotional intelligence isn't a single skill but a combination of several abilities. These include self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, social skills, and motivation. Each aspect plays a crucial role in how well someone understands and manages their emotions.
  2. It Can Be Cultivated: While some people seem naturally more emotionally intelligent, everyone can improve their EI with practice and effort. Just like any skill, it takes time and dedication to develop, but the payoff is well worth it.
  3. It's Not About Suppressing Emotions: A common misconception is that being emotionally intelligent means hiding or suppressing emotions. In reality, it's about understanding and expressing emotions healthily and constructively. It's okay to feel all kinds of emotions; it's how we deal with them that matters.
  4. It Predicts Success: Studies have shown that EI is a better predictor of success in life than IQ. People with high emotional intelligence tend to have better relationships, perform better at work, and have greater overall well-being.
  5. It's Linked to Physical Health: Believe it or not, your emotional well-being can have a big impact on your physical health too. High EI has been associated with lower levels of stress, reduced risk of chronic diseases, and even a longer lifespan.
  6. It Can Change Over Time: Our emotional intelligence isn't set in stone; it can evolve and change throughout our lives. Factors like life experiences, relationships, and personal growth can all influence our EI, so it's never too late to work on improving it.
  7. It's Contagious: Just like laughter, emotions are contagious. When you're around someone with high EI, their positive attitude and empathy can rub off on you, improving your emotional well-being in the process.
  8. It's Important for Leadership: Effective leadership requires more than just technical skills; it requires emotional intelligence too. Leaders who are empathetic, self-aware, and able to inspire and motivate others tend to be more successful and respected by their teams.
  9. It Can Be Measured: While there's no single test for emotional intelligence like there is for IQ, there are several assessments and tools available to measure different aspects of EI. These can provide valuable insights into your strengths and areas for improvement.
  10. It's a Lifelong Journey: Finally, developing emotional intelligence is a journey, not a destination. It's something that we can always continue to work on and improve throughout our lives, enriching our relationships, our careers, and our overall well-being along the way.


EQ (Emotional Quotient)

IQ (Intelligence Quotient)

What it measures

Emotions and social skills

Intelligence and reasoning


Feelings and relationships

Logic and problem-solving

Key Skills

Understanding feelings, empathy, handling social situations

Math, reading, solving puzzles

Can it change?

Yes, can improve with practice

Mostly stays the same

How it's used

Making friends, teamwork, leading others

Schoolwork, technical jobs, understanding complex ideas


Comforting a friend, resolving a disagreement

Solving a math problem, playing chess

Who is famous for it?

Oprah Winfrey (good with people)

Albert Einstein (great thinker)

Components of EQ

It encompasses a range of skills, including self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, and social skills. Unlike IQ, which remains relatively static, EI is malleable and can be developed over time with practice and dedication.

  1. The Power of Self-Awareness: Self-awareness is the cornerstone of emotional intelligence. It involves being in tune with our emotions, strengths, weaknesses, and values. When we understand our emotions, we can better control our reactions and make informed decisions. Self-aware individuals are more confident, adaptable, and authentic in their interactions, earning the respect and trust of their peers.
  2. Self-Regulation: Self-regulation is the ability to manage and control our emotions, impulses, and reactions. It enables us to remain calm and composed under pressure, even in the face of adversity. By practicing self-regulation, we can avoid knee-jerk reactions, make rational decisions, and maintain positive relationships with others. This skill is especially valuable in high-stakes environments where emotions run high and tensions flare.
  3. Cultivating Empathy: Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. It involves actively listening, putting yourself in someone else’s shoes, and validating their experiences. Empathetic individuals are skilled communicators, conflict mediators, and team players. By fostering empathy, we can build deeper connections, resolve conflicts, and create a more inclusive and harmonious work environment.
  4. Mastering Social Skills: Social skills are the glue that binds teams together and drives collaboration. They encompass a range of abilities, including communication, persuasion, and leadership. Socially adept individuals excel at building rapport, resolving conflicts, and inspiring others to action. By mastering social skills, we can forge strong professional relationships, influence others positively, and achieve collective goals with greater ease.
  5. Thriving in Adversity: Resilience is the ability to bounce back from setbacks and thrive in the face of adversity. Emotionally resilient individuals view challenges as opportunities for growth and learning. They remain flexible, adaptable, and optimistic, even in the darkest of times. By cultivating resilience, we can overcome obstacles, persevere in the pursuit of our goals, and emerge stronger and more resilient than before.

How do you develop your emotional intelligence? It's simple: practice, practice, practice! Pay attention to how you're feeling, try to understand why you're feeling that way, and think about how your actions affect others. It's like exercising a muscle—the more you use it, the stronger it gets.

Practical Strategies for Developing Emotional Intelligence

Developing emotional intelligence is an ongoing journey that requires commitment and practice. Here are some practical strategies to help you enhance your EI skills and thrive in the modern workplace:

  1. Practice Mindfulness: Incorporate mindfulness techniques into your daily routine to cultivate self-awareness and self-regulation.
  2. Seek Feedback: Solicit feedback from colleagues, mentors, and supervisors to gain insights into your strengths and areas for improvement.
  3. Build Relationships: Invest time and effort in building meaningful relationships with your coworkers, clients, and stakeholders.
  4. Embrace Diversity: Celebrate diversity and seek out opportunities to learn from people with different backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences.
  5. Lead by Example: Be a role model for emotional intelligence by demonstrating empathy, resilience, and integrity in your interactions with others.


Emotional intelligence isn’t just a soft skill; it’s a critical predictor of success in the modern workplace. By mastering EI, you can enhance your leadership abilities, build stronger relationships, and navigate challenges with confidence and resilience. So, are you ready to unlock your full potential and embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth? The path to success begins with emotional intelligence.

If you're seeking professional support to enhance your emotional well-being, consider our wellness platform for online emotional therapy. Our experienced therapists can provide the guidance and support you need to cultivate emotional intelligence and thrive in all aspects of your life.